3 Reasons To Visit A Family Health Clinic During Menopause

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If you are menopausal, you should consider visiting a family health clinic specializing in adult medicine. Menopause can predispose women to a number of health conditions, some more serious than others. Menopause can occur naturally, or as a result of surgical ovary removal and certain hormonal medications. Here are three reasons to visit a family health clinic during menopause, and why it’s so important: Cholesterol Check Menopause is a time when hormone levels fluctuate wildly.…

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Why Do Doctors Require A Blood Test Before An MRI?

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If you are scheduled to get an MRI, there is a chance your doctor might require that you get a blood test before the MRI. This is quite common in many cases, yet it is not always needed. It will depend on your age and health, and it will also depend on the type of MRI you are getting. Here are several things to know about this blood test that is needed before an MRI.…

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Important Characteristics To Look For When Choosing A Doctor

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If you have not visited a doctor in many years, you should consider going even if you do not have any health problems. Going to the doctor for a routine checkup is something you should do every year, regardless of how you feel. If you have not gone because you do not have a doctor, here are some of the top characteristics you should look for as you select a doctor to visit.…

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Services You May Need When Recovering From A Stroke At Home

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If you recently suffered from a stroke and have a long road to recovery ahead of you, you may want to consider hiring in-home health care services to help you with this. Some people who suffer from strokes will end up in rehabilitation centers or nursing homes, but you can also choose to recover from your stroke at home. If you do this, you may need several different types of in-home health care providers to come to your home to work with you.…

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Visiting Urgent Care: 4 Dos And Don'ts

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The popularity of urgent care facilities over emergency rooms is on the rise. It’s easy to see why. Urgent care facilities are typically cheaper than visiting the emergency room, wait times are usually shorter, and the price of care is more readily available up front. Of course, any health care professional will tell you that if it’s a matter of life or death, you should call 911 or visit an emergency room regardless.…

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Tips For Treating Anal Fissures

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Anal fissures, or injury to your anus, will require care and treatment. You may be in a lot of pain and want to make sure that you are taking all of the right steps so you can become healed as soon as possible. To help with this, you will want to take a few moments to reflect on the following tips. The more you do, the sooner you may be able to start feeling a lot better.…

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Suffering From Rheumatoid Arthritis? You May Want To Get Screened For Lymphoma

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The human body is an interesting organism because it can be affected by different diseases in different ways. For example, rheumatoid arthritis can often complicate and become an even worse disease. In some instances, it may lead to a development of lymphoma. As a result, those who are suffering the early signs of this disease should get a screening for this cancer ASAP. Rheumatoid Arthritis May Cause Sjorgren’s Syndrome…

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Noninvasive Treatments To Assist With Heart Arrhythmia

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If you have a heart arrhythmia or an abnormal heart beat, then it is best to seek out care with a cardiologist. This heart professional can treat the ailment to return your heart to a normal rhythm. While invasive surgical procedures are sometimes required, there are several noninvasive and mildly invasive treatments that can be used first. Shock Treatment Sometimes an irregular heartbeat can be repaired by simply disrupting the electrical signals that are contributing to the rhythm.…

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